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Viem is a low-level TypeScript Interface for Ethereum that enables developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, including: JSON-RPC API abstractions, Smart Contract interaction, wallet & signing implementations, coding/parsing utilities and more.

Wagmi Core is essentially a wrapper over Viem that provides multi-chain functionality via Wagmi Config and automatic account management via Connectors.

Leveraging Viem Actions

All of the core Wagmi Composables are friendly wrappers around Viem Actions that inject a multi-chain and connector aware Wagmi Config.

There may be cases where you might want to dig deeper and utilize Viem Actions directly (maybe a Composable doesn't exist in Wagmi yet). In these cases, you can create your own custom Wagmi Composable by importing Viem Actions directly via viem/actions and plugging in a Viem Client returned by the useClient Composable.

There are two categories of Viem Actions:

  • Public Actions: Actions that are "read-only" and do not require a wallet connection.
  • Wallet Actions: Actions that interface with a Wallet and require a wallet connection.

While it is not mandatory, it is also recommended to pair Actions with either useQuery or useMutation to effectively leverage the reactivity and caching capabilities of Tanstack Query.

Public Actions

The example below demonstrates how to utilize Viem's getLogs Action with a useQuery Composable to create your own abstraction akin to a useLogs Composable.

<script setup lang="ts">
// 1. Import modules. 
import { useClient, useConnectorClient } from '@wagmi/vue' 
import { useMutation, useQuery } from '@wagmi/vue/query'
import { getLogs, watchAsset } from 'viem/actions'

// 2. Extract a Viem Client for the current active chain. 
const client = useClient() 

// 3. Create a "custom" Query Composable that utilizes the Client. 
const { data: logs } = useQuery( 
  computed(() => ({ 
    queryKey: ['logs', client.value.uid], 
    queryFn: () => getLogs(client.value) 

Wallet Actions

The example below demonstrates how to utilize Viem's watchAsset Action with a useMutation Composable to create your own abstraction akin to a useWatchAsset Composable.

<script setup lang="ts">
// 1. Import modules. 
import { useConnectorClient } from '@wagmi/vue' 
import { useMutation } from '@wagmi/vue/query'
import { watchAsset } from 'viem/actions'

// 2. Extract a Viem Client for the current active chain. 
const { data: connectorClient } = useConnectorClient()

// 3. Create a "custom" Mutation Composable that utilizes the Client. 
const { mutate } = useMutation({
  mutationFn: (asset) => watchAsset(connectorClient, asset)

Private Key & Mnemonic Accounts

It is possible to utilize Viem's Private Key & Mnemonic Accounts with Wagmi by explicitly passing through the account via the account argument on Wagmi Actions.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts'
import { useConfig } from '@wagmi/vue'
import { sendTransactionMutationOptions, useMutation } from '@wagmi/vue/query'

const config = useConfig()
const { mutate: sendTransaction } = useMutation(

const account = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')

  to: '0xa5cc3c03994DB5b0d9A5eEdD10CabaB0813678AC',
  value: parseEther('0.001')


Wagmi currently does not support hoisting Private Key & Mnemonic Accounts to the top-level Wagmi Config – meaning you have to explicitly pass through the account to every Action. If you feel like this is a feature that should be added, please open an discussion.

Released under the MIT License.